
What does Ecochain do?
Founded in 2011, Ecochain is an Amsterdam-based software company with one mission: Empowering companies to make an ongoing sustainable impact on our planet. Because we believe the planet desperately needs it. With our environmental footprinting tools (Helix & Mobius) and supporting services - companies measure & gain environmental insights on a product, process, or product portfolio level. Providing all the environmental insights necessary for real sustainable improvements. Backed by data.

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What is Ecochain doing for Green Ray?

With Ecochain’s product portfolio tool Helix, the environmental footprint of all Green Ray’s products were measured - and compared to business-as-usual ones. The scientific method behind these footprint measurements is called Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The footprint results provided 15+ impact outcomes for every product, including carbon emissions. The results show the carbon footprint of Green Ray pans is at least 60% lower than the business-as-usual pans. Green Ray can now prove their sustainable product efforts and has the foundation to improve even further - with Ecochain.

Have a look at the Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) of Green Ray products here
