What does ILAG do?

ILAG develops and produces high performance and non-stick coatings for among others cookware and baking pans.

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What is ILAG doing for Green Ray?

To create the durable cookware range, Green Ray is partnered up with the Swiss company ILAG. The Green Ray cookware was created using their non-stick MAXIMIZING GREEN coating. The MAXIMIZING GREEN standard fulfills important requirements for environmental and health protection.

In our laboratories, we continuously work on developing products that meet the latest requirements on protection of your health and the environment. With the purchase of an ILAG-coated product with MAXIMIZING GREEN standard you are always on the right side.

MAXIMIZING GREEN is the first-ever sustainable PTFE cookware coating. It is GenX-free, NMP-free, APEO-free, PFOA-free and BPA-free. The MAXIMIZING GREEN and their motto and claim for more sustainability comes from the principles they work with. Consisting of:

Learn more about the MAXIMIZING GREEN coating.