Green RayF.A.Q.

Green Ray

How are Green Ray products produced?

Our products are designed as a result of the efforts of all parties involved. We put all the parties responsible of every component at the same table and found best and least negatively impacting solution to implement in our products. With all suppliers we share the same vision around cooperation and goal to find the optimal solutions. You can find all the info about them on the partner pages.

What does climate positive mean?

Climate Positive means going a step further than Carbon Neutral, by saving MORE greenhouse gas emissions than we are generating. Therefore, at Green Ray we are looking for partners that can help creating positive impact with us.

There are 2 ways we are planning to do it:

1. by helping other businesses and individuals to reduce their footprint in various ways such as:

·         developing and supplying low-carbon products, which helps everyone to lower their carbon footprint

·         suggesting small behavioral changes that will deliver a reduction in footprint. Under the bottoms of our pans, for instance, we have a collection of messages that are aimed to make us reflect and change behavior on major topics like saving water, energy or recycle goods in the right ways

·         working directly with our suppliers to reduce their emissions, which lowers not just our carbon footprint, but also the footprint of every other business they supply.

2.  by offsetting more than our footprint. In case of potential campaigns, we calculate the total footprint, and we go further contributing positively to the climate.

What does climate neutrality mean?

Climate neutrality can be achieved if CO₂emissions are reduced to a minimum like we are doing for our ranges and all remaining CO₂emissions are offset with climate protection projects. If climate-damaging greenhouse gases are completely avoided or if gases that have already been emitted are saved elsewhere, this is referred to as "climate-neutral".

In contrast to air pollution, it does not matter for the climate where greenhouse gases enter the atmosphere and where they are reduced. What is important is that global emissions decrease overall.

Therefore, we have chosen together with Club Leaf specific climate protection projects.

What is carbon offsetting?

Carbon offsetting is a way to reduce carbon emissions.

For example, to produce one of our pans, it takes around 4kg of CO2. We then offset this by asking Club Leaf to buy emissions reductions (also known as carbon credits or carbon finance) on our behalf.

This payment is put towards projects that reduce carbon emissions in some way, such as developing existing technologies or creating new ones.

There are two types of carbon offsetting:

-         Carbon capture, where carbon is captured from the atmosphere. The most common type of carbon capture is planting trees.

-         Carbon reduction, which focuses on improving energy efficiency and creating alternative ways to produce energy, such as using solar panels or wind turbines.